Oregano Benefits and uses

ooregano benefits and uses

Oregano is one of those flavor-enhancing aromatic herbs that have great advantages too. This herb originated from the mint family and has lots of health benefits and uses in our daily lives. Usually, the oregano leaves are dried and used in variant cuisines. Our topic today is oregano benefits and uses.

Oregano benefits and uses in general

dried oregano


  • Like basil, this herb also aids you in weight loss.
  • Oregano is very good for heart health. It reduces the cholesterol built up in the body and keeps the good cholesterol level in check.
  • It heals the damage done to the liver and kidneys.
  • Oregano has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • It is one of the strongest natural antibiotics too.
  • Oregano tea helps with sleep.
  • Mix oregano with vinegar and use it as a cleaning agent for home appliances.
  • Pour some drops of oregano oil into a lamp to fill your environment with a soothing fragrance. It also acts as an air-cleaning agent and repels insects.

Medicinal benefits of Oregano

  • Oregano helps with wound healing and reduces swelling.
  • The herb provides a very effective result against lung diseases. It helps with cough, bronchitis, and asthma.
  • Oregano benefits for women include the prevention of pain during menstruation. It also helps with urinary tract infections.
  • Wound healing is another important benefit of oregano. Many doctors advise their patients to eat oregano after tooth extraction to stop the bleeding.
  • If you are insulin-resistant, oregano helps you with that because it positively affects the gene responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • In some cases, oregano improves diabetic conditions as it has antioxidant properties that are responsible for cell regeneration.

Benefits of Oregano oil for skin

  • When massaged on the head, oregano oil reduces headaches.
  • It soothes the nerves and helps with insomnia.
  • When massaged on joints, oregano extracts have proved to be effective in relieving joint pain and arthritis.
  • The benefits of oregano oil for the skin include treating acne and reducing skin sores and warts.
  • Oregano oil also treats serious skin conditions like varicose veins, ringworms, and athlete’s foot. You can also mix oregano with vinegar and apply it directly to your skin for the treatment of athlete’s foot.
  • You can massage oregano oil on the skin to use it as an insect repellent too.
  • One of the few oils used for beauty purposes is oregano. Massaging oregano oil on dry skin helps moisturize the skin and it also reduces dandruff when applied to the scalp.
  • Massaging the scalp as well as taking oregano in diet also helps with depression control.

Oregano uses in cooking

oregano uses in cooking

Mostly, Oregano is used as a seasoning herb in cooking.

Oregano is widely used in Mexican cooking. It has a specific taste that when mixed with other spices and herbs can give the cuisine a distinct flavoring

Garnishing cuisine with oregano gives them a first-hand, unique taste that is specific to those dishes only. For example, oregano used in pizza gives pizza its distinct flavor, and your taste buds can easily distinguish the flavor.

Mostly oregano goes well with tomatoes.

You can use both fresh and dried oregano in cooking. Oregano is also a main ingredient in many sauces. Oregano is used in pasta sauce, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, etc.

Most people like to consume Oregano in dry form because the aroma is stronger than fresh leaves and the sharp taste is less prickly on the tongue.

Oregano is a best add-on in vegetable dishes.

Here are some oregano benefits and uses in cooking

Make a pesto

Pesto is a great add-on for pasta and other dishes. You can mix and match different ingredients to make Oregano Pesto. Cilantro, Basil, Lemon are pistachio are the common ingredients to make Pesto with . Choose them according to your flavor choices. Garlic, salt, and oil are used in the recipe.

Add during Baking

While baking simple bread, add oregano to give the bread a beautiful presentation and unique taste. You can also add oregano to buns, bread, croissants, and pies.

Mix in butter for flavorful oiling

Heat the butter in a pan, add oregano and freeze the butter again. You can use this butter in cooking, as a garnish over meat dishes, or apply it on BBQ to give it a juicy soft texture.

Oregano juice

Simply add honey and a pinch of oregano in a glass of water to extract the oregano benefits for your body. This juice is a great detox, have antibacterial properties, and is a great herbal remedy to cure many health conditions.

You can also make “oxymel” in which you also add vinegar along with honey and oregano. This is a great drink to fight colds, influenza, and cough.

Where oregano is used the most

dried oregano

This herb is used as a seasoning on many cuisines and gives them a distinct aroma. The main purpose apart of giving an aromatic fragrance to food is to balance out the acidic tint with a pinch of sweetness in the dish.

You can use oregano in cooking, baking, and garnishing. The taste goes well with fish and spicy dishes. When used in soups and other dishes, it enhances their flavor.

If you are thinking When should oregano be used? We suggest as a herb,  include it in your daily diet. You can sprinkle a few pinches on any dish. Oregano leaves have a slightly pungent flavor but you can eat raw oregano leaves too.

Oregano tea is very good for your health and you can drink up to 4 cups a day.

How do you prepare Oregano at home?

To make, preserve and use oregano at home, you only need to take its leaves. Don’t use oregano stems. Wash the leaves and let them dry under the sun. Moisture can decompose the leaves. You must dry them under strong sunlight.

When fully dried, you can blend them in a blender and make a fine powder. Store this powder in a glass jar. It will remain fresh for as long as you keep it in cold, dark, and dry areas. Exposure to moisture will affect the taste and overall quality of the product.

Oregano flowers are also edible and have a much stronger taste than leaves. They are mostly used for presentation purposes or to make oregano tea.

In the end, Oregano benefits and uses are quite mesmerizing. Although the herb is expensive in some areas of the world, if you can grow it in your home, you should go for it. It’s a herb with magical properties.

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