Can You Eat Baked Beans Cold?

cold baked beans

Can you eat baked beans cold? Yes! you can eat baked beans cold. Reheating can alter the taste and texture.  Beans are a very healthy food and many people love to have them in meals. They are super fulfilling and rich in nutrients. However, usually, they need time to boil and cook so people buy […]

Can You Eat Cactus?

can you eat cactus

Totally Yes. Cactus are usually very dry and thorny so it’s normal to ask if you can eat cactus. You must know that cacti are very commonly used plants in Mexican cooking. They are very edible and yummy too. So today let’s explore more about ” can you eat cactus and how”? What Are Edible […]

Chia Seeds Benefits You Must Know!

chia seeds benefits

Chia seeds are gaining a lot of attention recently. These seemingly tiny seeds are magical wonders. Chia seeds have unlimited benefits and the health and fitness industry is counting on these little packets of true power. Today our article is about the benefits of chia seeds that you must know so you can extract the […]

Cabbage vs Lettuce – The Differences

cabbage vs lettuce

Both cabbage and lettuce are leafy greens that are famous for their health benefits and are widely used in dishes and salads. However, people often ask about cabbage vs lettuce, which is better or if one can be replaced by another. All vegetables are Nutritious and healthy and it’s not wise to say that one […]

20 Benefits of Cinnamon You Must Know

20 benefits of cinnamon you must know

Cinnamon is a very unique spice. It has a specific aroma and taste that has a huge fan base. Cinnamon sticks are derived from the inner barks of the trees and are also available in powdered form. Nature has packed Cinnamon with a load of benefits and today we are talking about 20 benefits of […]

What is the difference between ground beef, minced beef, and hamburger meat?

what is the difference between ground beef, minced beef and hamburger meat

What is the difference between ground beef, minced beef, and hamburger meat? Beef is loved worldwide and is a yummy source of protein. However, different cuisines use different types of meat textures. You must use the right texture for the dish or your whole work is ruined. Today, we will understand what is the difference […]

What Happens If You Eat Mixed Vegetables Every Day?

What Happens If You Eat Mixed Vegetables Every Day

Veggies are a very important source of vitamins and minerals and they have a lot of fibre content too. Every vegetable is unique and offers many health benefits too but what happens if you eat mixed vegetables every day? Well, Everything is good! Eating mixed vegetables is highly recommended. Contrary to popular belief that you […]

Lime Juice Benefits That You Must Know!

lime juice benefits

Lime juice is added to beverages and cuisine for its citrus tangy flavour. Sometimes it doesn’t make up the whole taste palette but uplifts other ingredients in the dish. Lime juice drinks are refreshing whereas the use of lime juice in cooking, makes dishes taste better and unique. Let’s see what are lime juice benefits […]

Grow Your Own Herbs Garden Indoor – Tips and Tricks

indoor herbs garden

Growing your kitchen herbs garden indoor is beneficial in a lot of ways. It’s a joyful hobby and a practical solution to getting organic herbs in a very cost-effective way. You can grow your herbs garden in any home setting, even if you have an apartment. Imagine fresh organic herbs, right from the plants to your […]

Are Pickles Good For Your Skin?

are pickles good for your skin

Pickles are widely used all over the world and people love pickles of all flavours. They are a yummy add-on to foods, giving them a spicy twist. Pickles are made using vegetables and fruits. Many people claim that pickles are very good for skin and acne. Are they? Yes! In many ways. Though the details are negotiable, our article today is […]